Insights from David Ogilvy: 10 Marketing Tips

David Ogilvy was called the father of advertising. His advice is important to every marketing person.  Ogilvy’s advice is used in the modern world of advertising by digital marketers. He is an excellent copywriter for advertising and created the best advertising campaigns of his time.  Ogilvy is one of the best-experienced people in advertising and marketing.  His experience gives the finest lessons for modern-day marketers.  Ogilvy was an inspiration for all marketers to develop new advertising methods.

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His advertising campaigns influenced and helped present-day markers for how to create the chances, attract customers, and create better content for customers. He teaches the marketer how to research, brand, and influence the audience.  Ogilvy had the insight that understanding the customer could help marketing companies. His content and copywriting strategies are helpful to many digital marketers.  Here we see the 10 Marketing Tips of David Ogilvy.

Ogilvy’s 10 Marketing Tips:

1. Know your Audience

Reading your customer’s mind is essential to the advertising industry. Most marketers make the same mistake for that advertising. Then they feel about their content. With the help of Google ads, you can easily receive more preference data about the customer. Analyzing those data will help to understand your customers what they want, and what type of content is attractive, those data are used to create the content to reflect your customers’ interests, needs, and wants. Ogilvy said to use people’s normal language to develop your content. It can easily reach the customers and it will not easily forget.

2. Put the customer at the center

Customer is important in every business, without customer the business going to fail. Ogilvy always tells us the put the customer as a priority. Most of the time marketers forget their customers and decide on their own, then face the reaction of the customers.  This theory is suitable for Google ads, they create ads based on the customer mindset. Focusing on giving the best offer you can, will definitely impress your customer and touch their mindset, to increase the audience.  Show the important things for your customer. 

3. Compelling Headlines

The best contents have the best outline, and that content has an attractive and impressive headline. In the crucial stage, headlines are most important. Ogilvy has the experienced knowledge to help us to produce better content.  Impressive headline makes the customer click your ads, and it can increase your sales. Believe it or not many marketers use this strategy in content marketing. To increase their traffic and grow their sales. You can experiment with different varieties of headlines to how they attract customers. Ogilvy clearly said that marketers must create attractive headlines or they lose your client’s money. 

4. Power of Story Telling

Storytelling is the best marketing skill of content marketing.  Many marketing companies wanted that kind of skilled person. Ogilvy studied the impact of storytelling skills in marketing. This skill helps to focus your customers on your ads. You can use Google ads to create a story about your products, brands, and services. Through storytelling, you can easily catch your audience’s emotions, and imaginations and create better connections with your customers. The connections make the customer not forget your ads.  Ogilvy said every marketer has to develop the storytelling technique to create better ads. 

5. Make decisions based on research

Ogilvy’s best advice is to do the research it gives the better decisions. Google ads are the best platform for analyzing the data.  Collect the sales data and marketing data to help you easily analyze, and find better insights from the customer. The modern digital world provides the best analytical tools for driving huge amounts of data.  Those tools offer different ad variations, keywords, formulas, and target strategies.  This data guides your creative skill for developing quality content to get more traffic. Ogilvy clearly said advertising people who don’t do research are in a dangerous position in content marketing. 

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6. Develop Unique Selling Proposition

Ogilvy refers to the development of a unique selling proposition (USP) that is essential to the business. At the same time, out from the crowded digital landscape is also important. Identify what is important in your business and communicate with customers. Use their feedback to create unique content, and highlight the benefits and features of the product.  A unique Selling Proposition is an important decision in how to position your product. Finally unique content always helps to attract the audience. 

7.  Simplify your message

Simply produce the content while at the same time creating the clarity way the content gives more value to content.  Many tools are based on working on that way of delivering the content.  Many advertising companies use that technique to produce quality content.  Creating simple and easy to understand news makes the value content. And it creates value among the customers. Avoid business language or hard language to produce your content. That content may chance of going to the low level.  Because understandable content is only liked by the audience, complex content is mostly skipped by customers. Most marketers should understand this theory.  Ogilvy clearly said simple promises create more customers.

8. Developing  Testing and Experimentation

Ogilvy’s most important rule is testing and experimentation, many tools provide more opportunities to do testing and experimentation. Testing between two companies based on their headlines, copy images, and calls to action.  Collecting data from those elements and analyzing data from the different sources. Under those analyses, you should recreate your marketing campaigns. Moreover, those data results improve the effectiveness of the contents.  Analysing is a crucial role play in the advertising department.  Testing is the most important word in advertising one wise man said.

9. Respect Your Audience’s Intelligence

Obilvy believes that respect for the audience’s knowledge and opinion plays a beautiful role in advertising.  Most important ad tools nowadays follow this rule for their advertising. Avoid unwanted tactics and don’t misleading information in the advertisements. Respond to your customer opinions, build trust and hope with the audience, it increase the relationship between customers and companies. The relationship should not down in a short time, it continues long-term relationships. The marketer should be a bridge between the customer and the company. Obilvy said that the customer isn’t a moron, she is your wife. 

10.  Continues Learning

Every marketer should continue learning and updating information up to date plays a significant role in advertising. Marketers have to come up with current trends, features, and knowledge of the current technologies. Many tools have updated their information based on the current situation.  Marketers must attend the webinars, read the latest blogs, involved in online communities and social media.  Those mediums help to increase your present-day knowledge.  David Ogilvy clearly said the more our people learn, the more useful they can be to our clients.


Ogilvy plays a different role in the advertising industry. His writing is used in present-day advertising. Many advertising companies use his rules for their marketing. Above all the mentioned points are clearly said by David Ogilvy. I hope those points help develop your advertisement strategy. Every marketer should read his writing at least one time a life.