Winning the retail media battleground: Walmart lures brands from Amazon with ‘enormous category reach’

walmart shopping


The e-commerce world is constantly changing, and nowhere has that been more apparent than the heated competition between retail behemoths Walmart and Amazon in the increasingly important area of retail media. Gallop: Retail media is advertising on retailer websites that use shopper behavior data to turn relevant marketing opportunities into high-demand demand. And as more brands realize the importance of selling and marketing directly to consumers on these platforms, Walmart has smartly placed itself in a position to give Amazon a run for its money. In this essay, we are going to explore how Walmart is pulling some of the brands out of the Amazon umbrella through its technological advances, strategic alliances and because they offer a value that other platforms do not contain.

The Retail Media Landscape

Retail media has increasingly become an important element of brands’ digital marketing, so it’s little wonder that this week Google and Walmart both made maneuvers to further unlock its potential ahead of the holiday shopping season. Ever, and I do mean ever since Facebook introduced their ad platform in 2007 —which allows advertisers to target users based on data not just collected from Facebook but data they purchase third-party. Sellers make use of detailed information that is generated in-house to deliver a laser-pointed sales message to their potential customers. This is such an exclusive area where you could see that Amazon clearly excels, as it has access to such an extensive first-party behavioral data which not only so important but also an equally effective advertising platform. Yet, we can see how Walmart is gradually but surely catching up with Amazon, and maybe even outpacing it in certain respects. This is a great thing for Walmart. But I’m not sure about Amazon. The Technological Innovations at Walmart Advanced Data Analytics Walmart’s growth strategy revolves around the actual technology innovation as one of its imperative key pillars. One way the company does this is through its advertising arm known as Walmart Connect, which offers shopper data on a massive scale for the purpose of creating highly personalized advertisement campaigns that will only target a very small number of people. Unlike Amazon who closes off most of its data within its wall garden there is more transparency seen at Walmart allowing brands more collaborative and analytic opportunities around the area. The strength of Walmart’s data analytics lies in the vast network it has built both online and offline.  The coalescence of both digital and physical data permits observing consumer behavior from all perspectives leading to creation of much better marketing strategies by companies. Harmony in a wide range of platforms is what many businesses are after. Programmatic Advertising and Automation The main goal of the advertising department at Walmart is to make advertising as efficient as possible. One method they are using to accomplish this is programmatic advertising. Advertising programmatically means that brands can purchase ad space on real-time-bidding platforms. By using AI algorithms they can target audience segments in a more granular way, relying on data insights and machine learning predictions about ad performance with different groups. Walmart’s platform features such technical solutions as advanced ML algorithms that optimize placement and budgeting for ads automatically based on the performance dynamics detected by these AI systems. Automation tools that Walmart Connect offers help to simplify the process of brand campaign management, reducing time and effort invested into achieving desired results. The fact that it is simple and efficient makes it very attractive to those who invest their money in retail media.

Strategic partnerships and acquisitions and Trading Desk Discussion

A key milestone in Walmart’s plan to grow its retail media capabilities was its partnership with global ad technology company The Trade Desk This partnership enables Walmart to leverage The Trade Desk’s programmatic advertising platform, enabling brands to be highly flexible and reachable in their campaigns. It provides access to a wealth of digital catalogs beyond its own ecosystem, enhancing the overall value proposition

This partnership also highlights Walmart’s commitment to an open and collaborative approach as opposed to Amazon’s more insular advertising environment. Brands can use The Trade Desk’s platform to manage their Walmart campaigns along with other digital marketing efforts, developing a comprehensive and efficient system.

Acquiring ed-tech companies

In addition to partnerships, Walmart has strategically acquired advertising technology companies to increase its capabilities. A notable acquisition is Polymorph Labs, a cloud-based advertising technology company that has enhanced Walmart’s ability to deliver personalized advertising. This acquisition not only expands Walmart’s technical equipment but also brings specialized talent and expertise. Its position in the retail media industry is further strengthened.

A different value proposition – 

Internet and offline data integration

Walmart’s unique value proposition is based on its ability to integrate online and offline data to deliver a seamless omnichannel experience. With its large number of physical stores and growing e-commerce presence, Walmart collects data from multiple touchpoints. This comprehensive data integration allows brands to track customer journeys across diversity that’s cohesive and efficiently strategic.

For example, manufacturers can examine how in-store advertising affects online sales or vice versa. These live insights are invaluable for targeted marketing strategies that drive conversions online and offline. In contrast, Amazon’s predominantly online ecosystem lacks this deep offline data, giving Walmart a competitive edge.

Loyalty Programs and Customer Engagement

Walmart+’s loyalty programs, like Walmart+, play an important role in its retail media strategy. By offering benefits such as free delivery, fuel discounts and exclusive deals, Walmart+ encourages customer engagement and loyalty. The information gathered through these systems provides many opportunities for targeted advertising.

Brands can use Walmart data to reach highly engaged consumers who are more likely to respond to personalized offers. This focus on loyalty and engagement not only improves the effectiveness of advertising campaigns but also builds long-term relationships between brands and customers

Focus on small to midsize businesses (SMBs).

While Amazon has long been the go-to platform for SMBs, Walmart has been actively tapping into this segment with tailored solutions and support. Walmart Connect gives SMBs access to the same advanced advertising tools used by larger brands, ensuring consistency. Additionally, Walmart offers dedicated resources and educational programs to help SMBs navigate the challenges of digital advertising.

This inclusive approach is designed to attract a broader range of advertisers, increasing the diversity and volume of campaigns on Walmart’s platform. By empowering SMBs, Walmart not only expands its advertiser base but also enhances the overall vibrancy and competitiveness of its retail media ecosystem.

The said ‘Case Studies and Success Stories’

Procter & Gamble (P&G)

One of the most popular companies in consumer goods marketing sector that has been able to use the powers of retail media at Walmart is Procter & Gamble. By leveraging on data insights from Walmart Connect, Procter & Gamble have been able to come up with personalized advertising campaigns for driving both online and in-store purchases. Furthermore, amalgamation of data from both online and offline platforms has helped the firm gain insights into consumer behaviors which they use to market more effectively.

The success of Walmart Connect at Procter & Gamble indicates the importance of the shopping behemoth’s holistic datasets and new advertising advancements. Consequently, this has led to significant Return on Investment for Procter & Gamble due to their capability to access different channels where they reach out to clients while at the same time optimizing advertisements at any particular moment from anywhere as such Walmart is a desirable ally.

General Mills

Yet, General Mills has been another big consumer goods industry partaker who has had a share of the Walmart retail media platform cake on its table. Consequently, through being in partnership with Walmart Connect, it has nowadays been possible for General Mills Company-while utilizing the detailed information about its customers in order to improve on their focus points as well as messages towards them. General Mills has been able to effectively manage its ad spend and achieve better results using programmatic advertising.

Thanks to the partnership with Walmart, General Mills has been able to communicate to a larger customer base and also make sure the products sold are consumed. Furthermore, the use of Walmart’s own store data has given more information that has enabled the company to come up with effective marketing strategies which in turn led to its performance improvement.

Challenges and Future Outlook – 

Competitive Pressures

No matter how far it goes, Wal-Mart still has to face many problems when they try to be ahead of Amazon. Actually, with all its power and money, Amazon is not an easy opponent. In order not to lose ground, Wal-Mart should keep coming up with new ideas and creating something other than what other competitors have come up with so as to always satisfy requirements of various brand names and customers.

Privacy and Data Security

Walmart must overcome the difficult intersection of privacy and data security as it increases its data-backed advertising strategies. There is an escalation in worries among people over the usage of their own information and so does the country’s regulatory system intensify its scrutiny. Its responsibility therefore entails ensuring that all activities related to data are shrouded in secrecy thereby complying with regulations hence maintain trust among users thus protect itself against any possible lawsuit.

Technological Advancements

With the competitive retail media landscape toughening, it is important for Walmart to keep investing in cutting-edge technologies. Advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning (ML), and predictive analytics will significantly improve Walmart’s advertising platform. Leveraging on these technologies will ensure Walmart increases target accuracy, optimizes ad placement and delivers personalized experiences.


Walmart has multifaceted and strategic efforts to attract brands away from Amazon in retail media battleground. Investment in advanced data analytics, programmatic advertising, and strategic partnerships have enabled Walmart offer compelling value proposition for brands. This ability to merge online and offline data, along with loyalty programs, support for SMBs, makes Walmart unlike any other company including Amazon.

“Walmart is well placed to succeed in the coming years because they are ahead of schedule with their proactive stance on challenges and strong commitment to innovation. Consequently, its strategies will be significant shaping elements in the future of digital advertising, an area which is constantly changing making it possible for companies to connect with clients.” “Walmart is well placed to succeed in the coming years because they are ahead of schedule with their proactive stance on challenges and strong commitment to innovation. Consequently, its strategies will be significant shaping elements in the future of digital advertising an area which is constantly changing making it possible for companies to connect with clients.”